Current News

Expect more Scoops


Can You Ever Forgive Me? March 3 2018 (1 hour 46 mins) – Rated R In this fact-based drama, author Lee Israel strikes gold in the 1970s and ’80s with a series of successful celebrity biographies. But when tastes shift and her demons begin to disrupt her writing, she...

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Check the University Update weekly for the date and time movies will be shown. In-House movies showed on channel 1390. <!---->Bank Shot 1974 (1 hour 24 minutes) Rated PG Fresh from his recent jailbreak, criminal mastermind Walter Ballantine (George C.Scott) is...

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THE HISTORY OF PRESIDENT’S DAY <!---->Presidents Day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, the holiday became popularly known as Presidents Day after it was moved as part of...

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Simply call and say you would like a tour of the community and we will accommodate to your schedule.

tel  1-805-241-3300


State of California License #565800978. Certificate of Authority #266.

Contact Us

University Village Thousand Oaks
3415 Campus Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

tel  1-805-241-3300

Continuing Life LLC provides support and services to leading senior housing communities under a services and licensing agreement that allows for use of the Continuing Life® mark. The company does not own, nor is it financially responsible for, University Village Thousand Oaks CCRC LLC. University Village Thousand Oaks has been authorized by the California Department of Social Services to accept reservation deposits.

Audited Financial Reports